Thursday, October 28, 2010


Well, this cycle resulted in nothing but a big fat negative. I even have to use the horrid progesterone again. I am really disappointed. On the upside, the progesterone is now on Walmart's $4 prescription list, so the entire cycle will only cost $21 between the clomid, progesterone and metformin!

In other news, I have a job doing private care for an elderly lady in Salt Lake. I am not sure how long this position will last in that I am having an extremely difficult time getting homework completed and I am a little nervous about driving so far in the dark and snow! So far it has worked out well, so we will just have to see.

Mark is still looking for a job and taking classes. His history class has a very intense amount of reading, something that he definitely does not enjoy. He has been really great since I started working in doing little projects around the house.

I will post again later because I have great news about engagements, birthdays and the like, but those posts really do deserve pictures!


Heather said...
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Heather said...

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer". Rom. 12:12

Prayers being said as you wait for His timing.