Saturday, March 24, 2012

Mood swings!

A little advice? Don't start any home improvement projects while doing fertility matter how small the project! In the space of ten minutes I went from shaking with rage and yelling at Mark, to crying, to laughing with joy! The cause? Hanging new curtain rods. I would have hated to see what a bigger project would have caused!


peg said...

I'm sorry, I laughed so hard at this post. I was considering painting my hallway last weekend and my husband said very clearly - don't do it, the fertility stuff is making you nuts (then he ducked) I hate to see what would happen if you missed a spot. We had a good laugh over it and decided to wait on the painting.

Her Royal Fabulousness said...

Thanks for the tip! :)

Belle said...

Girl, Mr. Husband and I started remodeling our kitchen when I started infertility treatments. It still is not done, largely thanks to my constant ups and downs! I hope your curtain rods were eventually installed!

sass @ (In)fertility Unexplained said...

:) I recommend watching Netflix instead. Part way through our last IVF my husband looked at my tear stained face and said "Um, I don't know what kind of doctor he is, but I ordered a baby, not a crazy woman..."

Good luck these next few days!

Jo said...

Ha! That is so very true! Hang on -- it only gets better. *grin*


crystal theresa said...

Thanks for your condolences on my blog.

This post made me chuckle. Fertility meds definitely made all my buttons -- angry, happy, sappy, weepy -- easier to push. Glad the curtain rods ended with laughing with joy though!

ICLW #44

robin said...

AHHH!! OMG. I have so been there. We tried to build a wardrobe (from IKEA) during treatments. I ended up sitting out and just handing my husband tools because everything was just pissing me off. Awesome.

Geochick said...

Yeah, I know what you mean! I barely functioned during treatments. Anything more than the status quo and it was all downhill.

marilyn said... crack me up!!! retrospect..those hormones make us ladies a little kooky! I hated the hot flashes